
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friends for Life

This is Dinky's best friend Stinky. The first night I brought him home, this was one of the first things he played with. I didn't intend for it to be a toy for him, but he took right too it. Dinky and Stinky have been inseperable ever since.

So now you know how insane I am. I actually named Dinky's stuffed animal. But I figured I needed to call it something other than "his toy" as he has lots of toys. After much thought and consideration, and the amount of spit the stuff animal had accumulated, I decided on the name Stinky. It has a perfect ring to it!

Today, I made a flying trip to the town where I live to get some "bland" food for Dinky from the vet. He's been having an upset stomache lately, and it has started to concern me. Anytime he doesn't eat, it concerns me. And of course, I was at my parent's house this weekend. I gave him some of his disgusting smelling bland food, and he did eat some of it. I don't think he's used to moist food. I did have him on dry dog food. Hopefully this helps!

Now I should get to work on Duckies. I have lots to make and a ton of ideas for different ones!